Welcome to AioUDP’s documentation!

AioUDP is a library that provides a simple interface to asynchronous UDP communication.

Here’s an example of a simple UDP echo server serving at localhost at port 9999:

import asyncio

import aioudp

async def main():
    async def handler(connection):
        async for message in connection:
            await connection.send(message)

    async with aioudp.serve("localhost", 9999, handler):
        await asyncio.Future()  # Serve forever

if __name__ == "__main__":

And the client that will send b"Hello world!" to the server:

import asyncio

import aioudp

async def main():
    async with aioudp.connect("localhost", 9999) as connection:
        await connection.send(b"Hello world!")
        assert await connection.recv() == b"Hello world!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Indices and tables